What part of speech is not in the title of the 18th chapter of Hisham Matar's book The Return? The chapter is titled "The Good Manners of Vultures." How many proper nouns are in this sentence? Abuzed Dorda was the director of the Mukhabarat el-Jamahiriya, the intelligence services under Qaddafi. If you remove the subject, the conjunction, and the adverb from the sentence you are left with the two verb phrases. Technically, there are two verb phrases in this sentence: I couldn't move or speak. In other words, what acts as the object of the verb "ate" if you take out the prepositional phrase. What is the direct object in this sentence? I ate 21 of the cookies. What is the subject and the verb respectively in this sentence? We were lined up and ordered to go down on our knees. What is the subject and the verb respectively in this sentence? Instead of denying Father's abduction and incarceration, he confirmed that our father had been taken to Libya. What is the subject and the verb respectively in this sentence? One of Seif's bodyguards handed him a phone. What is the subject and the verb respectively in this sentence? Was I not doing all I could? (All three books were accessed courtesy of Google.What is the subject and the verb respectively in this sentence? The first census carried out in Libya was in 1931. Advanced English Grammar (2015) by Depraetere and Langford. * ""Who came?" "Who" = interrogative subject. For if we substitute the word which answers the question, the sentence reads "The King is he," or, as we usually say, "He is the King." The Elements of English Grammar (1904) by William Watson * "Who are you?" "Who" is the subject complement it refers to the subject "you." English Language Essentials (1995) by Mamie Hixon. * "Who is he? The King." "Who" is not, as it might seem to be, the subject. The sentence actually is "The manager is who?" (a) "The manager" = the subject. MOST sources say that the subject is "the manager." i. I spent several hours on the Web and those articles confirmed that I was indeed WRONG.

I was shocked recently when I learned at another grammar helpline that I was WRONG. I immediately chose ""who" as the subject, too. "Who" = the subject "likes" = verb "ice cream" = object. I think that all of us agree that the subject of that sentence is "who." i. NOT A TEACHER This post is intended for those learners who are interested in sentence analysis.